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Call for Participants for the HTML - How to Make Lessons for Youth Workers Training Course

Call for Participants for the HTML - How to Make Lessons for Youth Workers

Training Course, 22nd – 29th of July 2018, Georgia, in the framework of the International Youth Studies: Curricula, Distance Learning Course and Open Educational Materials – InYouS, Erasmus+ Capacity Building project.

The training course will enlarge partners' skills with giving certain frameworks how to work with young people on local, national and international levels, what is the quality in youth work and what is recognition of non-formal education? The program of the training will be well developed by the international team taking into account the fact that the developed materials will be used for the curricula on International Youth Studies.

Participants will start to work on creating some new methods and materials based on their experience. Another focus of this training is to give practical knowledge and skills to participants and partner organizations to prepare 2 youth exchange projects. We will use also own experiences gained from good practice examples from project’s activity 1 – “Non-Formal Youth Work and Formal Youth Studies” International Conference held in Armenia 19-24 April, 2018.

The training results will serve as a basis for developing strategies for youth work non-formal education, which will be reviewed by partner HEIs to ensure alignment with university curricula standards.


The training will take place in Tbilisi, Georgia, from 22nd to 29th of July 2018.

Requested Profile of Participants

  • Be involved in youth work at a local / national level or with great motivation for involvement;

  • Be passionate about youth work willing to create valuable content for the professionalization of Youth Workers

  • Must be 18+ and be residents in the country of their sending organization;

  • Be fluent in English as a working language, willing and committed to work about 8 hours per day;

  • Be able to replicate the methods and activities learned at the training course in their organizations and through the framework of the course curricula


Participants are chosen by the project team according to the following criteria:

  • interest and motivation in the training course topic and results

  • opportunities for personal and professional development

  • capacity and interest in multiplying the project’s results and methodology,

  • gender balance,

  • age 18+,

  • must be able to use English as a working language.


We are able to cover 100% of your travel costs under the conditions of ERASMUS plus programme


In order to apply, send your CV, with the subject HTML for Youth Workers TC to by 21 June.

If you have further questions, fell free to write to

International Youth Studies

The InYouS project is developed by Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia and its European partners. The project will ameliorate the recognition of youth work and non-formal education through the development of certified “International youth studies” curricula (and organizing a distance-learning course for youth workers) and open educational materials for European Higher Education Institutions.


  • Stimulating and strengthening the integration of non-formal education and formal education at universities through the establishment of a certified course on International youth studies;

  • creating bridges between formal and non-formal education, youth policy and practice in order to release innovation potential to raise the quality of educational and social service to Europe’s young people, to promote career flexibility and mobility, and to assert the value and utility of evidence-based policy and practice;

  • Strengthening human potential in youth field by building a critical mass of quality youth workers;

  • Promoting international recognition of the youth work and non-formal education through developing and adopting award criteria that are in line with the formal educational system.

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