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Call for participants: From EVS to ESC

From EVS to ESC project will take place from the 1st to the 8th of December, 2019 in Poland. The aim of the project is to strengthen the capacities and network among youth organizations from Program and Partner countries in order to improve the youth participation’ and social inclusion’ abilities in volunteering cycle, using Gamification and Experiential learning.

The aim will be achieved through concrete objectives:

  • to equip youth workers with the knowledge and tools to effectively work with youth, including youth with fewer opportunities, through developing a positive image of volunteering;

  • to provide participating organizations with new tools to improve the quality of ESC projects, using experiential learning and gamification;

  • to encourage networking among NGOs from Program and Partner countries and create space for project building, especially in Erasmus+ context;

  • to provide space for intercultural learning, getting to know local reality in host countries and broaden the world view of participating organizations;

  • to build a strategy to include and involve young people with fewer opportunities in ESC;

  • to create materials to support the quality preparation, support and mentoring of ESC volunteers (3 games and 1 Practical recommendation on using Experiential learning in Volunteering cycle);

  • to foster quality improvements in youth work through international cooperation and volunteering.

Participants' profile:

- youth worker involved in volunteering activity in at least one stage of a project (planning, managing, coordinating, mentoring, training, etc);

- youth worker which is representing the organization and keeps communication with stakeholders;

- youth workers ready to learn and take advantage of the experience, motivated and ready to share and interact with others;

- older than 18 years old.

If you're interested to take part in this project, please, fill the application form until the 6th of November, 2019.

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