This job shadowing activity provides an opportunity for staff of organisation to spend a period abroad in a partner organisation or another relevant organisation active in the field of youth education. This involves various activities, where staff members are training, teaching, learning and implementing various tasks and activities.
Job shadowing activity is a part of the "Raising the capacities of youth NGOs for rural youth participation in democratic life – VOTE!” long-term project, coordinated by Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia. It aims to bring the organisations from all over the Europe working in rural youth development and raise the capacities of youth NGOs to encourage youth active participation in European democratic life and elections. As far as the host organisation from Lithuania, Tavo Europa is hosting youth exchange from 20-27th of November, bigger part of job shadowing will be related to preparation and implementation of the youth exchange project.
Job shadowing will be organised from 18-27 November in Vilnius and Trakai. 18-20 (Vilnius) and 20-27 (Trakai region).
If you're interested to take part in the job shadowing, to learn about youth participation, gain organisational and project management skills, spend 10 wonderful days in Lithuania, fill this form until the 21st of November.
Only selected participants will be contacted.
