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Today knowledge is the most powerful weapon for every individual and society. Atom Mkhitaryan

Dear students, lecturers, teachers, and parents,

Congratulations on the Knowledge Day!

We all must realize that nowadays knowledge is the most powerful weapon for every individual and society. There should not be any obstacle for the development of the educational system in our country and for the effective transfer of knowledge. We all must unite in solidarity to overcome all the challenges posed by the epidemic. Our task is to make quality education accessible for all, no young person should lose the opportunity to receive quality education in their country.

The education and upbringing of a knowledgeable, purposeful, hard-working, creative, competitive, healthy, and dignified generation should be our common goal. I wish all of us a successful academic year.

Atom Mkhitaryan is an education expert, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Scientific Secretary of the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, President of the Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia

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