Youth and Environment Europe/YEE board meeting implemented on March 14-16 in Horažďovice town (Czech Republic). Narek Minasyan, the Secretariat member of Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia and Board member of “Youth and Environmental Europe” organization, also took part in that meeting.
The members introduced the works which are in their responsibilities and accomplished, discussed various directions and current questions of the organization.
The members of YEE board also completed a preparatory work planning of annual conference of Youth and Environmental Europe organization which will be held in summer and distribution of responsibilities.
On the last day of the meeting, the board members shared their experience obtained during different projects by managing compact trainings. The participant of FYCA introduced beneficiaries’ mapping methodology through examples of some tasks to the other board members.
Federation of Youth Clubs has joined to “Youth and Environment Europe” European organization more that 5 years and has considered one of the active members.