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FYCA is announcing a call for “Youth paving the way to solidarity” Summer Camp

Together with MIJARC Europe, FYCA is preparing Summer Camp planned to take place in Yerevan, Armenia, between the 23rd (arrival day) and 29th (departure day) of August. Five energetic participants from each member movement are invited to join the “Youth paving the way to solidarity” Summer Camp. Together with MIJARC Europe, we have decided to act in 2017 towards helping rural young people develop a counter narrative discourse by promoting tolerance, solidarity and nondiscrimination through inter-cultural dialogue. By the means of this Summer Camp, we wish to offer the opportunity of a youth exchange in a multicultural environment where rural youth and young refugees/immigrants can share the realities of each country in order to combat stereotypes and prejudice on both sides. Under the main topics of tolerance and solidarity, the current Summer Camp aims at:

  • Encourage inter-cultural dialogue, networking and mobility of young people;

  • Help rural young people develop critical thinking in a multicultural environment;

  • Increase the involvement of young people in the social life in local communities and develop projects, based on an intercultural approach;

  • Debate the possible causes of the rise of extremism in youth, its potential consequences and find a common position on the topic;

  • Empower young people to take active role in security matters, underlying the importance of including young people in preventing and deterring potential local threats;

  • Reduce the trauma of the youth migrants/refugees and avoid isolation in the host communities, by fostering an environment where young migrants and refugees can participate and exchange opinions alongside with rural youth;

  • Raise awareness on and understanding for the difficulty of displaced populations in the host community by creating and performing a small theatre play.

Through the method "See, Judge and Act" the participants will engage in activities based in non-formal and informal learning such as working groups, field visits, pedagogical games, icebreakers and energizers, storytelling, debate/discussions on the topics of the activity, learn how to create a theatre play, thematic evenings, presentations by each country, plenary sessions, interaction with the host community and preparation of dissemination and exploitation of the results of the Summer Camp.

The participation fee is 15 Euro.

In order to participate in the Summer Camp, please, fill the registration form ( till the 26th of May. The selection of the Participants will be done on the 29th of May.

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