We are approaching to the 4th stop of our International Youth Studies: Curricula, Distance Learning Course and Open Educational Materials – InYouS project journey.
The "Youth Exchange for Youth Workers" will take place from 26th of October to 3rd November 2018, in beautiful Kharkiv, Ukraine.

This is the 4th step in the pathway of developing “International Youth Studies” distance learning course. By implementing this youth exchange young people will develop and practice methods and exercises to run non-formal learning activities on local and national level.
While the first youth exchange answered the question - Why to promote the youth work, this second youth exchange will answer the question – How to promote the youth work.
The practical outcomes of these youth exchanges will be used for the further development of educational materials and the final version of the International youth studies curricula.
InYouS capacity building project is developed by Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia and its European partners and is funded by Erasmus+ program. The project will ameliorate the recognition of youth work and non-formal education through the development of certified “International youth studies” curricula (and organizing a distance-learning course for youth workers) and open educational materials for European Higher Education Institutions.
Stimulating and strengthening the integration of non-formal education and formal education at universities through the establishment of a certified course on International youth studies;
creating bridges between formal and non-formal education, youth policy and practice in order to release innovation potential to raise the quality of educational and social service to Europe’s young people, to promote career flexibility and mobility, and to assert the value and utility of evidence-based policy and practice;
Strengthening human potential in youth field by building a critical mass of quality youth workers;
Promoting international recognition of the youth work and non-formal education through developing and adopting award criteria that are in line with the formal educational system.
Participating countries are Armenia, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Georgia, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine.