Call for participants - Training course on "How to efficiently advocate for Youth Work using the 2017 Committee of Ministers Recommendation on youth work"
This activity is a 5-days training course on advocacy and youth policy development in Europe. The main aim of this activity is to train youth workers to use the CoE Recommendation CM (2017) 4 on Youth Work in their advocacy work. The full text of the Recommendation can be accessed
English here: and
Armenian here:
The training course is taking place in Brussels, Belgium, from the 7th through to the 11th of October 2019 (travel dates 6th of October and 12th of October) and has 3 main objectives:
provide youth workers and youth organisations with the skills and knowledge to actively engage in decision-making processes at the European, national, regional and local level.
increase knowledge/understanding of youth workers with regards to national/European laws and policies concerning youth.
to launch advocacy actions implemented and run by youth workers locally.
The project will support learners in the acquisition of competencies on advocacy, participation and communication which will support them in the promotion of change on personal, local and regional levels.
Participants are expected:
to have basic knowledge in regards of the CM Recommendations on youth work
to be able to participate to the training course and its activities in English;
to have experience in the youth work field and to be familiar with the main youth work organisations and related institutions in their country;
to have the potential and willingness to develop advocacy actions after the course;
to show initiative and willingness to self-direct their own learning process.
Participation in the ECYC Massive Open Online Course – MOOC, on the Recommendation on Youth Work of the Council of Europe is a plus.
Participation in this training course requires the payment of an enrolment fee of 50€.
This training course is supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. All costs (travels, accommodation, food etc.) are covered, except insurance.
UPDATE: The deadline to apply for this training course is the 5th of June 2019 via this link: .
Only successful applicants will be contacted.
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