Youth Exchange "INFOWARS, Young Citizens Strike Back" in Siauliai, Lithuania
This summer, from July 27 to August 3, the members of the Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia had a unique opportunity to take part in...
Youth Exchange "INFOWARS, Young Citizens Strike Back" in Siauliai, Lithuania
"Aiming by Gaming" Youth Exchange is completed!
Youth Workers need quality education
Երիտասարդական աշխատողները որակյալ կրթության կարիք ունեն
Call for Erasmus+ Study Visit in Sweden
"International Youth Studies" project was presented to the European Youth Forum
Call for "Diversity Academy" Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Lithuania
The 4️th Step of InYouS project
"InYouS" is in Kharkov. In the Agenda it is the promotion of Youth Work
InYouS-ը՝ Խարկովում. Օրակարգում երիտասարդական աշխատանքի առաջխաղացումն է
Youth Exchange for Youth Workers